Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Research @ UMP

Research Title

Research Background

To become the halal hub for the region and in line with the increasing numbers of peoples involve with halal food productions, especially those in the industrial sectors (sme’s food product etc.), the need for knowledge on Islamic slaughter guidelines is crucial. A comprehensive guidelines will help individuals in performing the in-house slaughter of animals in a proper way. Without proper knowledge, a muslim cannot perform the slaughter according to the Islamic guidelines and as a result the animal slaughtered is considered haram (impermissible) and unlawful to be eaten.
As reported by newspapers and TV interviews, spotchecks made by the religious authority in poultry farms have discovered alarming findings. It is observed that almost all slaughtermen in these industries fail to prove that they are knowledgeable in halal slaughter and related procedures and guidelines. Moreover, the farms have no written guidelines and procedures for practical implementation of slaughter.
Niche Area Leader Comment

Since halal does matter to any muslims, and it involves among others the slaughter (in case of animals) as the most important condition to the legitimate halal and to become permissible to eat by muslims. As such, the area of research is justified by the need of proper knowledge on the guidelines and appropriate kit to perform the slaughter.
On the other hand, many muslims nowadays lack knowledge on the slaughter process and as result they are unable to determine whether the animal was slaughtered in compliance to Islamic syariah. Futhermore, the research output will help individuals in getting comprehensive knowledge for performing the slaughter by themselves.

Research Objectives

1. To conduct survey using convenient sampling to justify the need of this particular knowledge
2. To develop a comprehensive guidelines to enable individuals mastering the implementation of the slaughter processes
3. To provide training program to muslim individuals who want to become a qualified and certified animal slaughterer
4. To provide functional kit to facilitate slaughter process.
5. To produce an academic module that could be taught as a selective subject to UMP students

Expected Outcome

Slaughter guidelines (pocket guide etc.)
Islamic Slaughter book (reference proper)
Functional kit for slaughter (slaughter knive etc.)
Teaching VCD

RM20,000.00 (Dua puluh ribu ringgit sahaja)

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